Psychological hacks to help with mental health and hard times

The last couple of years (in particular) haven’t been the easiest for most of us. It is likely to say that many may have struggled with mental health.

I am here to say that firstly, it’s ok to not be ok and secondly, we will get through the tough times together.

Today I wanted to share some psychological hacks to help:

  • Protect your emotional well-being with the Big Three: Quality sleep, lots of water, and slow, deep breathing.

  • Stay connected with family and friends and keep them in the loop of your life events.

  • Keep moving. Even small steps make a difference.

  • Play. Dance, skip, hula hoop, do something you normally wouldn’t do that adds spontaneity and fun to your day.

  • Rest when you need to rest, take more breaks during stressful events, tune in to your body and listen to what it needs.

  • Check your food and mood connection. Check in and see if your diet is helping or hindering how you feel.

  • Make exercise fun. Don’t force doing things you don’t enjoy. Maybe you like walks in the fresh air, or some simple stretching and yoga poses. Exercise gets to look however you want it to as long as it feels good.

  • Make time for self-care. If you can, set aside a whole day once a week or once a month. Regular time set aside to focus on you. Get a massage, a mani-pedi, have a nap or catch up on some reading.

I hope you found these little hacks helpful.

As a Registered and Practicing Psychologist, I look forward to sharing more psychology insights and mental health tips with you soon.

If you are struggling with mental health currently and need support, please reach out.


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